Cory Arcangel
↩ Things I Made
Title: W♥h♥e♥n♥ ♥t♥h♥e♥ ♥s♥q♥u♥a♥d♥ ♥m♥e♥e♥t♥s♥ ♥u♥p♥ ♥/♥ ♥T♥h♥e♥ ♥K♥i♥n♥g♥ ♥C♥h♥e♥c♥k♥e♥d♥ ♥b♥y♥ ♥t♥h♥e♥ ♥Q♥u♥e♥e♥n
Year: 2020
Medium: Dual-channel screen recording of a live bot performance on Instagram, Febuary 5th, 2020.
Elevator pitch: 2-channel H.264 MP4 screen capture video of a game of chess played on Feb 26th, 2020 by two AI bots communicating through Instagram, the photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Inc.
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